Low turn of teachers reported in Kabatunda-Kirabaho Town Counci


Authorities in Kabatunda – Kirabaho Town Council, Busongora County North in Kasese district have decried the low turn-up of teachers in some government grant-aided primary schools in the area.

On May 27, 2024, schools countrywide opened their doors for the second term but according to Mr. Dominic Nzirapande, the Kabatunda – Kirabaho Town Council Chairperson, some teachers at the five government grant –aided primary schools have not yet reported at their various places of work.

The Town Council Political head now wants the area Inspectors of Schools to intervene and find out the reasons why some teachers have declined to report and hence take appropriate actions to contain the situation.

Mr. Nzirapande also says the turn-up of learners mostly at Kirabaho Muslim and St. Kizito Primary Schools is still lagging behind, arguing that both institutions of learning have up to now failed register the number of learners that they closed first term with.

He has cautioned the teachers against the practice of sending the learners out of school to collect fees from their parents.

According to him, teachers need to devise other means of collecting money from the parents without involving the innocent learners.


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