Low production of Arabica coffee worries Kasese district production officials


Kasese district production department has expressed worry over the low production of Arabica Coffee by the farmers.

Originally, Kasese has been among the key producers of Arabica in the country. At least 40% of the households solely depended on the cash crop for their livelihoods.

But during a stakeholders’ meeting involving the buying companies and individuals, Agricultural Officers and staff from the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer today at the District Council Hall in Rukooki, speaker after speaker was worried over the retarding rate of coffee production.

The meeting had been convened purposely to devise means of coming up with a General District Coffee Stakeholders’ Platform which would be charged with the responsibility of finding solutions to the challenge of the receding production of coffee.

Mr. Julius Rukara, the Kasese District Principal Agricultural Officer, indicated that currently the farmers are producing less than the expected kilograms.

According to him, each tree plant which is estimated to produce more than 03 kilograms, is currently producing 01 kilogram per year, a challenge he said would negatively affect the farmers’ livelihoods.

Rukara also revealed that in addition to the low production, the farmers’ tendency of picking unripe coffee cherries has also compromised the quality of the products, subsequently affecting the prices of the cash crop in Kasese compared to other districts.

Mr. Julius Baluku, the Kasese District Production Officer, told the meeting that poor harvesting and post harvesting handling processes done by the farmers also affect the quality of coffee and its products.

He observed need for the farmers to be sensitized about the use of modern farming practices in a bid to enhance the productivity of coffee.

Mr. Mustafa Kikusa, the Kasese District Principal Assistant Secretary who represented the Chief Administrative Officer at the meeting, attributed the low productivity to the manner in which some farmers have not taken farming as a business.

He asked the Agricultural Extension Workers at the Sub-county and Town Council levels to interest themselves in helping the farmers to determine the coffee species that are suitable for the soils in their respective areas coupled with carrying out soil testing using the kits given to them by government.


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