Local leaders worried about poor sanitation in Ihandiro sub -county


Ihandiro sub-county in Bukonzo County West is grappling with increased cases of people living without latrines at their homes.

Mr. Wilson Masereka, the Sub-county Health Assistant says 30% of the population in the lower local government does not have latrines.

The sub-county has approximately 18,500 people spread across all the five parishes.  But Mr. Masereka explains that due to the people’s resistance to construct latrines at their homes, the health authorities have been able to commit at least 60 households to the courts of law as the only immediate punishment. 

Mr. John Maliba, the Coordinator for the members of the Village Health Team (VHTs) in Ihango Parish says today morning alone, they inspected more than 15 families and discovered that they had no latrines.

According to him, some of the victims either resort to open defecation or share latrines with their neighbours.

The Sub-county Chairperson, Mr. Abel Bwambale Liminya, stresses that they will soon arrest the people who have become stubborn and refused to adhere to the health guidelines of having latrines at their homes.

 The Kasese Deputy Resident District Commissioner in-charge of Bukonzo County, L. Maate Magwara has since implored the health authorities to intensity some community sensitization campaigns about the dangers associated with the lack of latrines in the area.

Lt. Magwara, who was in the area for a community sensitization meeting on health, security and socio-economic development, described hygiene as a paramount aspect that facilitates good life. 


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