Lay readers in South Rwenzori Diocese encouraged to embrace commercial agriculture


Lay readers in South Rwenzori Diocese have been urged to embrace commercial agriculture as an alternative measure to enhance their household incomes.

The advice was sounded today afternoon by Ven. Manasi Takwenda, the Archdeacon for Maliba Archdeaconry while addressing a conference of Lay readers and Church leaders that was organized by the management of South Rwenzori Trinity SACCO at St. John’s Maliba Church of Uganda Parish and Archdeaconry headquarters.

The conference was meant to train the church leaders on financial literacy from the parishes of Nyabisusi, Nyangorongo, Buhunga and St. Maliba.

In his remarks, Ven. Takwenda observed need for the Lay readers to employ all positive methods of enhancing their incomes including commercial agriculture through growing fruits that are highly demanded in facilities dealing in hospitality.

He also implored the Lay readers to utilize the services of South Rwenzori Trinity SACCO so that they qualify to get loans for commercial, educational and agricultural purposes.

Lay reader Amon Bwambale Nzende, the Manager at South Rwenzori Diocese Trinity SACCO, asked his fellow Lay readers to lead by example by becoming clients of the SACCO so that the Christians that they serve emulate them.

In his facilitation, Mr. Wilson Bwambale, the Manger for South Rwenzori Diocesan Medical Support Scheme, urged the Lay readers to always embrace the Diocesan programs that are aimed at helping both the clergy and community members.

Some of the Lay readers including Michael Basigirenda from Katebe Church of Uganda and Boniface Wakibanahi from St. Philips Kiruli Church of Uganda testified that the loans that they acquire from the SACCO have enabled them progress economically.


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