Kyarumba Sub-county chairperson condemns parents for allegedly being irresponsible to their children


Mr. Jackson Baluku Mughuruka the LC.III Chairperson Kyarumba Sub-county has condemned the low turn up of learners at most schools in his area of jurisdiction to irresponsibility of parents.

Speaking to our reporter in an interview today afternoon in Kasese town, Mr. Mughuruka explained that with over 400 students at the school, barely half of the school’s enrollment have turned up for second term.

The Sub-county boss further highlighted that at Kalonge lower primary school, the situation is not very much different with learners taking long to resume their classes.

Mr. Mughuruka has since appealed to the parents to always let their children report early at different institutions learning institutions they belong to in a bid to catch up with class lessons.


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