Kasese Taxi Operators -Bwera Stage petition their executive


Authorities in Kasese Municipality have set tomorrow as the day in which they will discuss raising issues between the leadership of Kasese Taxi Operators – Bwera Stage and its members.

This follows a petition dated October 25, 2023 signed by 55 members and addressed to the Kasese Municipal Town Clerk calling for his intervention in the proposed election of the Executive Committee members of Kasese Taxi Operators – Bwera Stage alleging that their term of office had expired.

The petition was also copied to the Resident District Commissioner- Kasese, the Mayor for Kasese Municipal Council and the Principal Commercial Officer. 

In the petition, the drivers accuse their current leadership headed by one, Moses Karutaro commonly known as Papa Kyuji for allegedly mobilizing savings from the members to solve their problems including renewal of expired permits, meet medical bills and purchase of tyres among others but whenever they ask for the money from the committee, no funds are given out and yet the money is collected on a daily basis.

The petitioners also indicate that the current executive committee have cars which they first load passengers until evening and when they are done that’s when other drivers are allowed to work also.

They also complain that Mr. Karutaro who is the Chairman of the Stage, the same time serves as the Chairperson of th Emyooga SACCO for all the drivers and according to them accessing money become a big challenge following the misunderstandings.

Following the petition, the Kasese Municipality Mayor, Mr. Chance Kahindo yesterday summoned both parties for a closed door meetings in his boardroom to forge a way forward.

Shortly after the closed meeting, Mr. Kahindo told a group of drivers, turn boys and conductors who had stormed his office that their issue would be handled tomorrow in the Municipal Executive Committee meeting and then give them feedback on Wednesday next week.

He quickly appealed to both parties to remain calm and peaceful as they handle their issues.

Mr. Obed Muhindo popularly known as Kayoka, one of the aggrieved members said they only need justice in the matter.

In a separate interview, the accused Chairperson, Mr. Moses Karutaro denied the allegations saying his term of office has not yet expired, arguing that he was elected on January 08, 2023.

He described the members who accuse him as selfish who have their personal interests that are aimed at causing downfall of his leadership.


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