Kasese residents warned against consuming unstamped meet


Dr. Yusuf Kibaya, the Kasese District Veterinary Officer has cautioned the residents against consuming unverified and stamped meat as they celebrate Christmas.

Dr. Kibaya says such a meat puts the lives at a healthy risk because it is not verified by the Veterinary Officers.

According to him, the consumption of unhealthy meat comes along with anthrax, a disease that is transmitted to the people from animals.

He explains that during the District Surveillance Meeting, it was recommended that all animals be tested to find out if they are worthy to be consumed by the people.

Dr. Kibaya also reveals that they also resolved to direct all the butchers to slaughter animals from well known places and abattoirs as one of the ways of preventing the smuggling of condemned meat into the district.

The Veterinary Officer notes that the District authorities have strongly warned the people against the consumption of sanga meat.


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