Kasese residents urged to take the upcoming events as opportunities for making business


Residents in Kasese Municipality have been asked to plan for the upcoming events and use them as opportunities from which they can earn a living.

Kasese Municipality is expected to host five major events including the commemoration of the International Day of Cooperatives on August 02, Rotary Western Mega Fellowship from August 23 to 25 and Rwenzori Theluji Festival between August 12 and September 29, 2024.

Other events are the World Tourism Day and Umbrella Association for Urban Authorities in Uganda (UAAU) Annual General Meeting.

Speaking to the press shortly after the Local Economic Development Committee meeting held today at Kasese One Stop Centre in Kasese town, the Principal Municipal Council Officer, Mr. Godfrey Bwambale asked all stakeholders including the general public to prepare for the events in time through engaging in activities and offering services that might generate income to boost their respective businesses.

Mr. Eric Baluku, the Kasese Municipal Tourism Officer, observed need for the residents to make use of the upcoming events for economic empowerment.


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