Kasese residents urged to embrace kitchen gardening


Kitchen gardening has been cited as the quickest means of eradicating poverty and malnutrition from families.

Teddy Ithungu Nyamusimba, a 50 -year-old resident of Kirembe Cell in the Central Division of Kasese Municipality testifies that she planted 200 seedlings of tomatoes and dodo at her home and earned shillings 800,000 from the sale of the harvest after a period of six months.

She is happy that despite selling some of the harvests, she has been able to feed her family with vegetables which are a good source of proteins that are also important in fighting against stunted growth.

Nyamusimba thus appeals to the landlords both in the urban and rural areas to desist from planting flowers in their compounds but rather utilize them for planting crops which can get them out of poverty and also fight against stunting among the children. 

Responding to Nyamusimba’s testimony, Mr. Asanairi Muhindo Bukanywa, the Kasese Municipal Agricultural Extension Worker says they are currently encouraging urban farming that needs farmers to utilize the little pieces of land they have to promote horticulture.


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