Kasese residents tipped on water harvesting techniques


Residents of Kasese district have been called upon to embrace the practice of developing water harvesters across all their buildings as a means to enhance access to safe water.

Mr. Han Heijnen, the President of the International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance says embracing rainwater harvesting will reduce the pressure that people shoulder because of water scarcity.

Mr Heijnen adds that rainwater harvesting will also help reduce on the amount of flooding the district suffers especially in the low land since the harvested water drastically reduces the volumes of water runoffs from the mountains which eventually wreak mayhem in the lowlands.

Mr Heijnen’s remarks come shortly after Caritas Kasese developed a water harvesting tank at Kitabu Catholic Parish in Kitabu Sub County.

The 8000 cubic meter tank, which is the first pumpkin-shaped water harvesting tank in Africa, is expected to serve the parish and community with the 400 twenty liter jerrycans that it accommodates.

Francis Malikidogo, the Project Officer at Caritas Kasese says people need to embrace rainwater harvesting since it not helps to improve Water, Sanitation and Hygiene within the community but also the practice is cost-effective.

Caritas Kasese has so far constructed 25 water harvesting systems at different public facilities within Kasese district. ENDS

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