Kasese residents challenged to always understand the goals of the groups they intend to join


The general public has been encouraged to always understand the goals, aims and objectives of some groups established in their various communities before joining them.

The encouragement was sounded yesterday by the Central Chairperson of the South Rwenzori Messiah Listeners’ Club, Mr. Eri Kathoboli while addressing the members of the Bugoye Branch during their monthly meeting that was held at St. Peter’s Bugoye Church of Uganda Parish in Bugoye Sub-county.

He noted that sometimes people join groups with their own interests that are different from the reasons why such organizations were established.

He therefore advised people should join such groups to improve their livelihoods through embracing the culture of savings.

Mr. Girison Makuta, the Chairperson for Bugoye Messiah Radio Listeners’ Club reported that the association recently purchased a new house to house their offices, hailing the members for their endless support.


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