Kasese residents castigate leaders over failure to manage garbage


A section of residents in Kasese town have castigated Kasese Municipal Council over failure to effectively manage the disposal of garbage within the town.

Hips of garbage are seen in various parts of the town especially in Nyamwamba and Central Divisions.

Mr Francis Kamugisha, a trader in Sauriyako market says the Kasese Municipal Council has continued to fall short of its obligation to ensure a clean town.

He wonders if the poor collection and disposal of garbage stems from the fact that the municipal council contracted private entities to do the job.

However, according to Mr Christopher Kabagambe, a health inspector at Kasese Municipal Council, many town dwellers irresponsibly dispose garbage in areas that are not designated for the same yet it is in total contravention of the law.

Mr Kabagambe also appealed to the people of Kasese town to cooperate with the authorities and pay a garbage collection fee to enable the contractor execute his duties.

Meanwhile Mr Pimako Kasereka, the chairperson Nyamwamba Division says there might be need for the municipal council to review the contract within which the current contractor is working after he concurred with the residents that the town is now choking on garbage.


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