Kasese: Nyakiyumbu residents want a town council


Local residents and leaders from Musyenene Trading Centre in Nyakiyumbu sub-county, Bukonzo County West in Kasese district have called upon the District Council to expedite the process of making a resolution aimed at elevating their area to a Town Council status.

Mr. Augustine Baguma Katabura, the Trading Centre Chairperson says they have written several letters to both the sub-county and district leaderships requesting for the elevation of Musyenene Trading Centre to a Town Council status but all in vain.

According to him, the residents and leaders from Musyenene, Kalonoire and Kyaminyawandi trading centres have joined together and agreed to a Town Council codenamed “Musyenene – Kalongoire Town Council.”

He stresses that once their request is granted up, services will be extended nearer to the people since Nyakiyumbu sub-county is too big, hence affecting the leaders from extending effective services to the residents.

On his part, Mr. Peter Sunday Kakule, the Nyakiyumbu Sub –county Chairperson, also observes need for the District Council to reconsider the creation of Bwera District from the greater Kasese so as to benefit from government programmes and funds like the Annual Road Fund that is given to the districts.

Responding to the concerns, the Minister of State in-charge of National Guidance, Hon. Godfrey Baluku Kabbyanga Kime, says the leaders should be patient as they wait for government to resume the process of creating more administrative units.


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