Kasese Municipality Member of Parliament asks for permanent solutions to Nyamwamba River floods


The Kasese Municipality Member of Parliament has written to President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni requesting his office to consider putting in place a permanent solution to the problem of Nyamwamba River floods.

River Nyamwamba has repeatedly been bursting its banks causing devastating floods that have sometimes led to loss of lives, destruction of property and displacement of people.

On Saturday September 07, 2024, residents in Kasese town witnessed fresh floods from River Nyamwamba through the Kamulikwizi Water Channel that claimed the lives of two people and led to destruction of property.

Following the incident, Hon. Ferigo Kambale yesterday wrote to the President reminding him of the request he had earlier presented to his office in a letter dated May 31, 2024.  The letter was requesting for a special budget to address the Nyamwamba River floods which had claimed the lives of 52 people since 2011.

Yesterday, the same legislator wrote another letter to the President requesting his office to consider de-silting all the 25 kilometers of Nyamwamba River from the mountains to where it joins the Queen Elizabeth National Park, building a strong wall on the river banks, procuring an excavator and related equipment for periodic de-silting.

Hon. Kambale also asks the President’s Office to establish a special financial consideration fund for the 52 families that have so far lost their dear ones and those that have lost their property.

He, however, revealed to the press that he was happy with President Museveni because during the Monday Cabinet meeting, he allegedly directed the Prime Minister to make a comprehensive report about the River Nyamwamba floods so that a permanent solution is put in place.

According to him, the Prime Minister was given a period of one month within which she should have sent a team of experts to Kasese Municipality to study the nature of the river and thereafter compile a comprehensive report to the President for action.


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