Kasese Municipality experiences an acute shortage of water


An acute shortage of safe and clean drinking water has been reported in Kasese Municipality putting the lives of residents at risk of experiencing poor hygiene and sanitation as well as their associated effects.

The residents especially from the Central and Nyamwamba Divisions say they are currently finding it hard to access safe water for domestic use.

A survey conducted by Messiah Radio today morning in some areas of Kizungu, Kanyangeya and Nyakasanga West indicated that most people access water during the night and early morning hours.

Ms Justine Kabugho, a resident of Kizungu cell revealed that they started experiencing the challenge of water shortage early December last year, forcing the residents to resort to fetching contaminated water from River Nyamwamba.

She was skeptical that they might be hit by typhoid since they primarily depend on unsafe drinking water.

Ms Esther Muhindo, a resident of Nyakasanga West, said in addition to the challenge of water shortage, some tap operators have hiked the prices of a jerrycan of water from shillings 100 to between shillings 300 and 500.

Mr. Johnson Kibogho, the Councilor representing Kanyangeya Main and Kamulikwizi electoral area to Nyamwamba Division Council told our reporter that the challenge of water scarcity exposes the mothers to a risk of being attacked by the notorious Gaza Boys arguing that they wake up in the night and early morning hours in search of water from the existing taps.

Mr. Pimako Kasereka, the Nyamwamba Division Chairperson stressed that he was skeptical of what would happen as schools reopen their doors for first term early next month.

He, however, suggested to the administrators of schools to establish water harvesting tanks at their institutions of learning so that they are able to store enough water for the learners’ consumption.

However, the Kasese Branch Manager for the National Water and Sewerage Corporation, Mr. Andrew Muhumuza told our reporter at his office that they were committed to increasing the number of liters of water that they distribute to the public on a daily basis.

He explained that much as Kasese town is always hit by sunshine and other disasters, they would soon connect the water that they recently tapped from River Kyanzutsu to the main treatment plant in a bid to produce sufficient quantity of water to the population.


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