
Kasese Municipal Council Advances Policy to Support Employees Living with HIV/AIDS


Kasese Municipal Council is currently in the process of formulating a progressive policy aimed at championing the rights of employees living with HIV/AIDS within the workplace, while also reinforcing awareness efforts to curb its transmission among staff and the broader community.

The policy is set to be applicable to all personnel of Kasese Municipality, spanning all organizational levels. It’s designed to complement the existing legal framework and regulations governing public service operations.

The guiding principles of this policy draw from provisions within the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Charter established in 1948.

During the recent review meeting held at the Kasese Municipal Head Offices, Ms. Annette Katabazi, the designated Kasese Municipal HIV/AIDS Focal Person, expounded on the critical nature of addressing the HIV pandemic.

She highlighted the potential erosion of the gains made in effective and efficient service delivery, particularly in relation to human resources. Ms. Katabazi pointed out that Kasese Municipal Council, akin to other institutions, has been grappling with the adverse impacts of HIV/AIDS, which have negatively affected the council’s capacity to ensure prompt and fair proceedings.

In elaborating on the significance of the policy, Katabazi underlined that its formulation and subsequent adoption stem from the understanding that attracting, retaining, and motivating high-caliber employees stand as vital components in the transformation of Kasese Municipal Council into an effective and functional entity.

Dr. Peter Wakoba, Head of Monitoring and Evaluation at the Uganda AIDS Commission, reiterated the policy’s alignment with the National HIV mainstreaming guidelines and the Presidential Track Fast initiative. These nationwide efforts are aimed at curbing the HIV/AIDS epidemic and eradicating its status as a public health threat in Uganda by the year 2030.

Mr. Geoffrey Bamanyisa, the Kasese Municipal Town Clerk, emphasized the regulatory requirement set by the Ministry of Local Government, mandating workplaces to implement measures that mitigate the spread of the virus. This reflects a broader commitment to public health and safety within workplaces.

Herbert Bwambale, the Kasese Municipal Secretary for Social Services, stressed the importance of raising awareness about HIV/AIDS within the municipality.

He also highlighted the need to encourage individuals already living with the virus to actively engage with medical treatments, promoting both personal well-being and the broader health of the community.

The ongoing policy formulation and its impending adoption mark a significant stride in ensuring the well-being of employees, fostering a healthier work environment, and contributing to the collective efforts to combat HIV/AIDS in the Kasese Municipality.

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