Kasese Ghetto boys and girls implored to show love to each other


A concerned Anglican cleric attached to South Rwenzori Diocese has implored people living in the ghetto across Kasese district to have love for one another as a way that will draw them near to God.

Rev. Guslain Muli Bwambale, while preaching in the service that involves the ghetto people at St. Stephen’s Kogere Church of Uganda parish in Kasese Archdeaconry says having love amongst themselves as well as having a forgiving heart can also be a way of transformation and thus live a Holy life.

He also observed the need for them to have plans as they live in their ghettos places for their future life after ghetto.

Ms. Joan Tushemirerwa, a delegate from Team Imanishimwe Leonard who also attended the service encouraged them to form groups that would help them lobby funds from the government and or NGOs to see their living standards grow to another level.

Ms.Tushemirerwa used the same platform and advisees the ghetto people to register their names in the yellow book for them to choose the leader of their choice none other than Mr. Imanishimwe Leonard who is with all the courage to represent Kasese municipality in the 2026 General elections. 

The service involving majorly the ghetto people around Kogere in Nyamwamba Division, Kasese Municipality was established to transform lives by preaching the gospel especially to those people living in the ghetto places and usually characterized as drug addicts, allegedly regarding them as nuisance in the society.


1 Comment

  • Kibundu March 7, 2024

    Good work

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