Kasese district still grapples with high cases of child neglect and other forms of violence against children


Kasese District is still grappling with high cases of child neglect and some other forms of violence against children.

The District Senior Probation and Social Welfare Officer, Mr. Faisal Bagumira Kirarira says that in a spate of six months, he has been able to record 1,362 cases of child neglect from some sub-counties across the district.

The vice, according to him, has forced a good number of children to seek refuge from streets as well as looking for greener pastures.

He also reveals that the parents who were recently arrested because their children were found loitering on the streets in Kasese town have been committed to the courts of law for justice.

Following the incident, the district has been forced to organize the celebrations to mark the commemoration of an African Child Day slated for tomorrow at the multipurpose hall in Kisagazi cell of Nyamwamba Division in Kasese Municipality.

During the celebrations, the parents and their children would be talked to and discouraged to desist from the vice.

He also says that during the function, the district leadership and other stakeholders shall commit themselves to supporting all efforts geared towards the promotion of children’s rights at all levels.


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