Kasese District Khadhi advises people to embrace regular medical checkups


The Kasese District Khadhi has suggested to government to encourage health workers to always make some community outreaches aimed at sensitizing the masses about the need to carry out regular diagnosis of Non Communicable Diseases.

Sheik Musa Sudiki Baluku sounded the remarks this evening while addressing journalists at his office located at the headquarters of Kasese Muslim District.

Sheik Baluku said that some diseases including Hepatitis B, hypertension and cancer among others are killing people due to lack of knowledge regarding their causes and prevention.

He thus advised that it would be good for the government to implore the health workers to go on ground and encourage the people to embrace regular testing so that they monitor their statuses in order to live longer.

He also challenged political leaders to join the campaign against such diseases by disseminating information to the public using all the available platforms.

As a religious leader, the District Khadhi strongly condemned some denominations that might discourage their believers from embracing scientific medication.

According to him, there are some preachers who tell the people to refuse medication and depend only on prayers.


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