Kasese District Disaster Management Committee resolves to vacate River Nyamwamba Flood victims to Nyakasanga Playground


The Kasese District Disaster Management Committee has resolved to evacuate the people who have been affected by the recent floods from River Nyamwamba to Nyakasanga Playground in Nyamwamba Division.

According to the committee, the evacuation of the victims would be done using police, UPDF and officials from the Red Cross.

The resolution was reached after River Nyamwamba burst its banks on Wednesday and caused devastating floods which submerged a number of buildings in Mumbuzi, Kizungu, Kisanga A and B, Kamulikwizi and Saluti A Cells among others.

The devastating floods found their way out of the Nyamwamba River Channel via the Kamulikwizi Water Channel and subsequently overpowered it hence straying into people’s residences along the channel.

Last evening, members of the Disaster Management Committee convened an emergency meeting and resolved that all the people who have been affected by the incident be evacuated and temporarily housed at Nyakasanga Playground with immediate effect.

Lt. Joe Walusimbi, the Kasese RDC, who addressed the media shortly after the meeting, explained that the decision to have all the affected persons evacuated was reached as a temporary measure as they devise means of redirecting the water to its main Nyamwamba River Channel.

SSP Moses Nanoka, the Rwenzori East Regional Police Commander, pledged that as the police force they would ensure that security is maintained to its maximum at all the designated temporarily established camps. He, however, appealed to the residents to cooperate with police as one way of curbing the re-occurrence of disasters across the district.

Mr. Joseph Singoma, the Secretary to the Disaster Management Committee, who also doubles as the District Senior Planner, warned the residents against any form of resistance should they be told to vacate to safer places.


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