Kasese District Councilors subscribing to FDC party directed to stop attending council sittings conducted from hotels


The Kasese District Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Chairperson has directed all District Councilors subscribing to the opposition political party to always boycott council sessions being conducted from hotels and restaurants.

Mr. Ronald Bwambale Kabuku argues that after failing to rehabilitate the vandalized District Multipurpose hall, the District leadership has resorted to conducting council sittings from one of the Hotels in Nyamwamba Division of Kasese Municipality.

On May 14 this year, the Multipurpose Hall was vandalized by yet unknown people who took away five doors from the multipurpose building, five tables that were kept in the same house and two metallic poles for the flags.

Kabuku told the press yesterday that he would not allow any member subscribing to FDC to continue attending council meetings conducted from hotels, arguing that tax payers’ money is being wasted on hiring such places.

However, the District Chairperson, Mr. Eliphaz Muhindi Bukombi, said there were plans to have the multipurpose building renovated and improved.

He noted that he was also regretting that the money that they use to hire other places could be facilitating other development projects in the district.


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