Kasese District Chairperson orders for the arrest of Bunyandiko Parish Chief


The Kasese District Chairperson has ordered for the arrest of Bunyandiko Parish Chief in Kilembe Sub County on allegations of collecting money from the beneficiaries of the Parish Development Model Programme.

Mr. Eliphaz Muhindi Bukombi made the revelation today morning while speaking to our reporter at his office. According to the District Boss, he has secured enough evidence indicating that the Parish Chief had collected shillings 270,000 from one household.

Mr. Muhindi also wants the Parish Development Model SACCO Chairperson arrested along with the Parish Chief so that they are investigated and produced in courts of law.

The District Political Head also revealed that other people from one of the SACCOs in Rukooki Sub-county were recently arrested on similar charges and are now battling them in the courts of law.

It is alleged that the said SACCO leaders and the Parrish Chief collected shillings 8 million from the intended beneficiaries.

The Kasese District Chief Administrative Officer, Mr. Elias Byamungu stressed that they had laid some strategies of eradicating the vice of collecting money from the intended beneficiaries of the Parish Development Model for the efficiency of the programme.


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