Kahendero parents need to be sensitized about the need to enroll their children in schools, says authorities


A low turn-up of pupils at Kahendero Primary School in Muhokya Town Council, Busongora County South in Kasese district has forced the school management committee to organize home to home campaigns aimed at sensitizing parents about the need to educate their children.

Countrywide, schools opened their doors for first term on February 05, 2024 but at Kahendero Primary School, the institution which closed 2023 with 300 pupils, only 120 turned up in the first week and today morning, the number increased to 226 after conducting the home to home campaigns.

Mr. Joel Tibenda Manimba, the School’s Head teacher says they also decided to move from home to home mobilizing the school going children and their parents in an attempt to revamp the lost glory of the institution.

In the 2023 Primary Leaving Examinations, 11 candidates came out ungranded, 04 in Division III and 03 in Division IV while only 01 missed the exams.

Mr. Manimba attributed such a poor performance to a number of challenges including the parents’ alleged failure to provide scholastic materials and midday meals to their school going children.

 Now, to improve the academic performance at the institution, Mr. Manimba stresses that the District Education Department has been able to post two more teachers to the school to supplement the efforts of ten teachers that they had last year.

However, the residents at Kahendero Fish Landing Site attribute the poor performance at the institution to the alleged government’s failure to construct staff houses (quarters) at the only school in the area hence forcing the teachers to reside  in Kasese town, some good kilometers away from the schools.

The community members also blame the poor academic performance on the learners’ involvement in some fishing activities during school hours hence ending up missing classes but turn –up for exams.

Mr. Peter Businge, the Chairperson for Kahendero Fish Landing Site confirms the children’s involvement in some fishing activities.

According to him, children of school going age are seen carrying fish nets with a promise of being given shillings 3,000.


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