Joy as Rwenzururu King visits his countryside home

There was joy and celebration as the Rwenzururu kingdom Omusinga Charles Wesley Mumbere Iremangoma visited his countryside home in Nyangereka village in Kitswamba town council.

The Omusinga was welcomed by several residents, cultural leaders, religious leaders and political leaders and a delegation from Bundibugyo led by Hon Alfred Makasi, the kingdom’s attorney general.

Hon. Makasi urged the kingdom subjects to support the kingdom to establish income-generating projects if the kingdom is to realise development.

He also said the people of Bundibugyo are also anxious to receive their king after more than seven years away.

Mr. Erimanzani Bwambale the Hima town council speaker appreciated the king for his visit adding that people are very excited to have a glimpse of their culture.

Mrs. Mbunguma Valle Mbambu a resident of kihogo village form Rugendabara-Kikongo town council said that she is hopeful that the new strategic plan that the kingdom is pursuing will enhance socio-ecomic development in the community.

Godfrey Bwambale and Yowasi Kanyonyi expressed their joy over the Omusinga’s visit adding that his return to the kingdom will play a vital role in handling some socio-cultural issues including teenage marriages and early marriages that the region has been grappling with.

The Omusinga emphasised the need for parents to embrace education and nature conservation in order to realise sustainable development.


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