Health workers ask government to establish a blood bank in Kasese


The In –Charge at Nyamirami Health Center IV in Muhokya sub county of Kasese district has said that the lack of a blood bank in the district is affecting healthcare services to the population in the hard to reach areas.

Dr. Alice Kunahimbire made the remarks last evening while addressing the community members during their dialogue meeting that was held at Mitibiri Trading Center.

The dialogue was aimed at getting feedback about the services offered at the health facility from the consumers.

Dr. Kunahimbire explained that since the facility started offering surgeries, they have so far received 30 people who lack blood but accessing it becomes a challenge due to the distances to the regional blood bank.

However, she urged the emphasized the community to always attend to the health facilities to seek medical attention from the nurses so that they are guided on the best ways of preventing diseases.

Mr. Johnson Mulekeri, the District Councilor representing the area, noted that they were still lacking an ambulance a scanner in the whole constituency that helps on the management of referrals.

Mr. Asanairi Mugusu, the LCIII Chairperson for Muhokya sub -county urged the in charge and the entire community to advocate from government so that the challenges that the facility is facing are addressed.        


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