The Minister for Security Maj Gen Jim Muhwezi has appealed to graduates to embrace new digital technologies for them to gain an edge in the competitive job market.
Maj. Gen. Jim Muhwezi made the remarks at the 19th graduation of 382 students in different faculties at Uganda Pentecostal University in Fort portal City where he had been invited as chief guest.
He noted that graduates ought to embark on using digital technologies to position themselves strategically in their various careers reiterating that integrating career progression with skills in digital technology will go a long way fostering national transformation.
The security minister, however, emphasized the need to acquire some skills in cyber security which is important in enabling people to avoid being fleeced and defrauded on the internet.
Prof. Dr. Maggie Kigozi the Chancellor Uganda Pentecostal University stressed the need for graduates to uphold integrity especially as they use digital technologies.
Meanwhile, Mr. Ruhunda Gafabusa the Kabarole district chairperson hailed the parents for supporting their children throughout their education and urged them to continue supporting them further their studies.
Some of the graduates our reporter talked to expressed their eagerness to conquer the world and serve humanity.
The graduation was being celebrated under the theme “Embracing the Digital Age: Navigating tomorrow’s Frontiers.” ENDS