Government distributes apple seedlings to farmers in Kasese

The Government of Uganda through the Operation Wealth Creation has distributed another batch of apple seedlings to the farmers in Kasese district for planting during the current September – December season.

Yesterday’s batch of apple seedlings totaling to 70,000 adds to the 60,000 seedlings that government gave to the farmers during the last season as per demand by the farmers.

Lt. Col. (retired) Barnabas Bwambale Mughongo, the Kasese District Coordinator for the Operation Wealth Creation says government decided donate the apple seedlings to the farmers of one way of fighting against poverty from their families.

According to him, the current batch of seedlings will benefit the farmers from the sub-counties of Kitholhu, Kisinga, Kyondo, Kyarumba, Mahango and Maliba.

He implores the people in the district to embrace apple growing for both food and economic purposes.

He stresses that if well maintained, each plant produces more than 1,000 fruits translating to shillings 100,000.


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