Fathers’ Union Coordinators encouraged to set achievable goals


Fathers’ Union Coordinators in South Rwenzori Diocese have been encouraged to set achievable goals for the development of the association.

The encouragement was sounded today by the Diocesan Secretary, the Rev. Can. Nelson Walina while addressing a section of Fathers’ Union Coordinators from different Archdeaconries and Parishes across the Diocese at Kamaiba Youth Centre in Kasese town.

The meeting was aimed at preparing for St. Peter’s Day celebrations slated for June 29.

Can. Walina stressed that as Fathers’ Union members; they should devise means of setting up projects and have assets that would help them to uplift the work of God in their various Archdeaconries as well as improving their livelihoods.

He also observed need for them to strengthen team work as an alternative means to enable them achieve the aims and objectives of the union. 

Rev. Peter Kamalha, the Diocesan Fathers’ Union Coordinator, appealed to the participants to prepare for the anticipated celebrations fully in their respective parishes. 

Mr. Amos Bwambale, the Diocesan Fathers’ Union President urged the coordinators to always be part of the mission, embrace church activities and living exemplary lives in their respective communities.


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