
Families Stranded as Children Remain Missing After ADF Attack on School in Kasese, Urgently Seek Government Assistance


Two families in Kisinga Town Council are still stranded with where to get their children following the attack by suspected ADT rebels on Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council in Kasese district.

On the night of Friday June 16, ADF rebels attacked Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Secondary school, killing 37 students and at least six community members.

But the family of Remegio Kule from Rwenguhya I Cell and Eresi Mayani from Nyakaina Cell in Kisinga Town Council say ever since the attack on the school their children have never surfaced.

Juliet Masika, the wife to Remegio Kule says their son Surprise Yunasi aged 15 is still missing while Eresi Mayani, the mother to Juliet Biira Asiimwe aged 16 also argues that her daughter is still missing.

The two families now want government to put in place all mechanisms of finding their children, adding that it has the capacity to penetrate all corners and get the bodies of their children so that they are accorded decent burials.  

Jovia Masika, the elder sister to the missing Juliet Biira Asiimwe says as a family they had high hopes in their daughter, asking government to hunt for her whether dead or alive. 

On his part, Remegio Kule, the father to the missing Surprise Yunasi appeals to government to support the family, arguing that ever since they received the sad news, the family has been spending a lot of money to feed all the relatives that are gathered at home waiting for their missing one. Mr. Julius Mukeri and Doviko Thembo, the L. C III Chairpersons for Kisinga Sub-county and Kisinga Town Council respectively say government should also consider supporting families that lost their dear ones. According to him, the electoral areas were the most affected because many of the students who died during the incident were from their areas of jurisdictions.  

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