Expectant mothers in Bulembia Division battle challenges of accessing birthing kits


Expectant mothers in Bulembia Division of Kasese Municipality are still battling with a challenge related to lack of birthing kits during the time of delivery.

The mothers say they sometimes exchange words with the health workers especially the midwives when they throng the health facilities without the required and standard birthing kits commonly referred to as Mama Kits.

Some of them confess that their husbands do not take buying mama kits as a serious matter yet they are important items that midwives demand from expectant mothers while in labour.

However, Kithulha Care Initiative in partnership with Hope for Sustainable Development –Uganda with funding from Birthing Kits Foundation Australia has restored hope of at least 300 expectant mothers within the Division through donating mama kits to them with some of the beneficiaries describing the donation as timely.

Gloria Masika, the Administrator at Kithulha Care Initiative says they have been able to lobby their funders to buy mama kits to the pregnant mothers after realizing that most of them clash with the midwives when they are asked to present them before they are helped by the health workers to deliver.

According to her, the organization has been able to donate mama kits to 57 expectant mothers from Kyanjuki Ward, 45 from Namhuga Ward, 45 from Nyakabingo III ward and 58 from Katiri ward in Bulembia Division.

Others are 75 expectant mothers from Nyakasanga II Ward and 40 from Basecamp who were supported in the second phase. 

According to her, in April this year, they were able to donate 200 mama kits to the expectant mothers during the first phase. ENDS

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