Door to door education campaign in Kahendero promises fruits


The door to door education campaign by the administration at Kahendero Primary School in Muhokya Town Council, Kasese district has yielded fruits.

At the beginning of this first school term, the school administration, teachers and members of the Management Committee launched the campaign aimed at sensitizing the parents about the benefits of education.

The idea was reached after the institution registered a poor performance in the 2023 Primary Leaving Examinations where out of the 19 candidates that sat for the exams, none came out in Division One and Two.

Mr. Joel Tibenda Manimba, the Head teacher at Kahendero Primary School says they resorted to holding door to door campaigns in a bid to revamp the lost glory of the institution of learning that is located at the fish landing site.

He is therefore happy that the campaign has registered positive results because the institution now boasts of 441 pupils with a 90% daily attendance rate.

According to him, last year the school had an enrolment of 335 pupils with a daily attendance of between 40% and 50% but with a daily attendance rate while in 2022, the institution had only 226 registered learners but with a physical attendance of only 99 pupils translating to less than 40%.

He is hopeful that with the improved enrolment of learners and daily attendance, they will realize an improvement in the academic performance.

Mr. Manimba says that the school is however challenged by the parents’ failure to take their children’s education as a priority, arguing that sometimes, they do not provide scholastic materials to them. ENDS

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