Couple to be evicted from Basecamp Lower, Kasese Municipality


Local Council Authorities in Basecamp Camp Lower Cell in the Central Division of Kasese Municipality have resolved to forcefully evict a couple from the area over its alleged frequent involvement in domestic violence.

Mr. Kennedy Bwambale and his wife Joan Muhindo who hail from Mbunga sub-county in Busongora County South are accused of being involved in frequent quarrels that result into their appearance before the L. C I Court for harmonization but all in vain.

Today morning, the same couple again fought, with each partner accusing the other

The wife (Muhindo) argues that she has severally asked her husband to give her money for plaiting the hair but the man has failed to raise it.

After failing to get the money for plaiting her hair, Muhindo says she decided to take on the job of washing clothes for the neighbor as a way of raising the money but in turn, the husband greeted her with a slap.

While at the office of the L. C I Chairperson, Mr. Bwambale (husband) told the press that he had advised the wife to shave the hair than spending much money on plaiting it.

Bwambale openly revealed that he was not happy with the manner in which the wife looked for money to facilitate plaiting her hair. He openly said he was not happy with the manner in which the wife looked for money to plait her hair. 

Mr. Jafali Kigutia, the area L.C I Chairperson told the press that they have many times tried to harmonize the couple but in vain until today when they resolved to evict the family from the area and advised the members to look for another area from where they would settle.  


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