Coffee Nursery bed operators in the Rwenzori subregion launches a peaceful demonstration

A section of over 200 Coffee Growers and Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) registered Nursery Bed Script Operators have today launched a one-week peaceful demonstration in all districts across the Rwenzori sub-region.

The demonstration that was launched today at Musungu Hotel in Kilembe Quarters, Kasese town follows the alleged delay by government to pay them their accumulated arrears for the financial years 2017 -2022. 

According to them, the coffee seedling distributions that were made during those financial years have remained unpaid to date, hence leading to untold suffering.

 Peter Thembo and Jolly Muhindo, some of the affected farmers have called for the intervention of the President into their matter.

However, Messiah Radio did not independently verify the accusations of the demonstrators against government.


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