Bunyangabu leaders and residents decry low prices of bananas


Political leaders and a section of residents from Bunyangabu district have decried the low prices of bananas in several markets within the district.  

Led by the Woman Member of Parliament, Hon. Peace Mutuuzo, who is also the Minister of State for Gender, Labour and Social Development, the leaders said they were worried about the current economic status of their residents, arguing that majority of them base on the banana growing as their only source of income.

The district which was on July 01, 2017 curved from Kabarole district is well known for banana, coffee and maize, rice, beans irish and sweet potatoes growing.

Speaking yesterday during the District Council at its headquarters in Kibito Town Council, Minister Mutuuzo said the current economic crisis might affect parents from paying school fees for their children hence leading to school dropouts.

She used the same platform to call upon the President to expedite the process of opening free cross-border trade with the neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo especially at Mpondwe in Kasese and another border in Bundibugyo district.

In his remarks, the District Chairperson, Mr. James Ategeka Mugarama, was also skeptical that the reduction in the prices of bananas would affect the socio-economic transformation of the citizens.

The Bunyangabu Resident District Commissioner, Mr. Joshua Kisembo Masereka told the councilors that Kasindi – Beni – Butembo road project in DRC being implemented by Uganda would help to tighten security and also boost bilateral trade. ENDS

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