The construction works of a shillings 300 million Boys’ Hostel Project at St. Paul’s Vocational Secondary School in Kasese town have officially been launched today by the Bishop of South Rwenzori Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Nason Baluku.
Officiating at the ground breaking ceremony, Bishop Baluku explained that once completed, the Boys’ Hostel would help to accommodate the learners so that they are curtailed from moving long distances to and from the school.
The Prelate also encouraged the Site Engineer to do quality work through using the recommended construction materials.
Mr. Jockus Masereka, the School’s Head teacher, who appreciated the Office of the Bishop for prioritizing the development activities at the institution, adding that the hostel would help to promote the academic standards at the school.
Mr. Zephanus Baluku Mbakwenda, the Chairperson for the P.T.A appealed to the parents to support the activities of their own school for its development.