Bishop Baluku asks the public to stop wasting money on luxeries


The South Rwenzori Diocesan Bishop has appealed to the general public to stop wasting time and money in luxuries if they are to get themselves out of poverty.

Bishop Nason Baluku says he feels concerned when people spend most of their time in luxuries that will not benefit them at the end of the day.

According to him, the Diocesan Synod that sat on July 23 and 24, 2024 at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Kasese town resolved that, “No giveaway and wedding parties or funerals should go beyond 5:00pm in order to give room for people to plan for their family developments.”

He also discourages the people from adopting other cultural norms and practices especially at funeral ceremonies, arguing that the vice has compromised culture of the Bakonzo.

The Prelate sounded the appeal yesterday at St. Andrew’s Muzahura Church of Uganda Parish in Rwesande Archdeaconry where he had gone to confirm 26 believers into the Anglican faith.

Earlier in his preaching, Bishop Baluku had encouraged the Christians to embrace hard work as the only way of eradicating poverty.

He was preaching under the theme, “Jesus Christ has the power to change your situation for prosperity.” It was drawn from the Biblical Book of John 6: 1 – 13.

He used the same platform to lecture the Christians on some of methods used for one to register progress. They include having a purpose as to why they work, maintaining and guarding opportunities jealously, learning from colleagues, seeking advice and avoiding greed and jealousy among others. ENDS

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