Abdul Kasita remanded to Mubuku Government Prison on allegations of poisoning two children in Kasese


Mr. Abdul Kasita, a renowned herbalist in Kasese town has been remanded to Mubuku Government Prison on allegations of poisoning two children.

He was remanded today afternoon by the Kasese Chief Magistrate, Her Worship Betty Ajok during a court session at Rukooki.

It is alleged that while at Kogere in Rukooki Ward of Nyamwamba Division in Kasese Municipality on August 08, 2024, the suspect poisoned Catherine Kabugho, 10 and Caroline Mbambu, 08 and were later rushed to Mt. St. Mary’s Hospital for treatment from where they were pronounced dead.

When Kasita appeared before the Chief Magistrate for mention of his case, the suspect was remanded up to September 04, 2024 because of the absence of a person who would interpret English to Luganda, a language that he claimed only understands.

The same court also remanded three other people on allegations of defilement. They include Edson Masereka aged 15 a resident of Mubuku Town Council, Mathias Nuwagaba, a resident of Karusandara sub-county  who defiled a 15 –year- old girl and Ramadhan Thembo, 29, a resident of Rugendabara – Kikongo Town Council who defiled a 17 –year – old girl on July 06, 2024.  They are expected to reappear in court on September 04.

However, Her Worship Ajok explained that her court doesn’t have jurisdiction to proceed with a case against Masereka who defiled a two –year- old baby, arguing that the suspect is a minor who would be transferred to Fort-portal Remand Home.

Meanwhile, Her Worship Ajok also remanded four other suspects on a plea of guilty for illegally collecting firewood from the Queen Elizabeth National Park.

They include Paul Kule, Zepher Masereka, Joseph Bafera and Aineah Ndungo, all residents of Kinyamaseke Town Council.

They are expected to reappear in court on August 30, 2024 for sentencing.


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