A Roman Catholic Priest in Kasese calls for a special action plan for Busongora County North


A Roman Catholic Priest attached to the Diocese of Kasese has appealed to government to come up with a special action plan for developing Busongora County North in Kasese district.

Rv. Fr. Peter Basaliza Mubunga, the Parish Priest for Kitswamba Roman Catholic Parish sounded the appeal yesterday while delivering his homily to the congregation that had thronged Buhuhira Primary School for a fundraising ceremony that was aimed at soliciting funds to construct classrooms at the institution of learning. 

But Rev. Fr. Mubunga could not hide to reveal that Busongora County North as a constituency in Kasese district has lagged behind in terms of development compared to the rest of the constituencies across the district.

He immediately observed need for government to come up with a special action plan for the area for the people to receive equitable services.

The Man of God said he was not happy with the previous leaderships for not allegedly distributing the resources evenly amongst the constituencies

He used the same podium to encourage the people to love one another irrespective of their political and religious affiliations.



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