A principal Town Agent in Kasese in trouble over allegations of misappropriating Parish Development Model funds


A Principal Town Agent attached to Kasese District Local Government who allegedly gave herself money under the Parish Development Model and subsequently summoned by the District leadership today morning narrowly survived arrest.

Ms Scovia Ithungu, the Principal Town Agent for Nsenyi Ward in Kisinga Town Council, who had been summoned by the District Chairperson, Mr. Eliphaz Muhindi Bukombi to appear in his office over allegations of misappropriating the Parish Development Model funds adhered to the summon but her explanation  didn’t satisfy the District Boss.

The District Boss also accuses Ithungu of not only giving herself money but also giving it to 22 people who are not reflected anywhere in the Parish SACCO’s records.

To Muhindi’s further dismay, the 22 beneficiaries are not residents of Nsenyi Ward. During an interaction with the District Boss, Ithungu acknowledged that the money that came through her account was for an old woman whose account failed to be entered into the system.

Now, today’s drama  started when the District Boss decided to call police to pick the suspect from his office so that she makes a statement that would guide further inquiries into the matter but as no sooner had  Mr. Muhindi completed making a call to the District Police Commander for Kasese Division than the suspect secretly disappeared from office.

By the time police officers responded to the call, Ithungu was nowhere to be seen.

Mr. Kesi Kauma, the Chairperson Local Council II for Nsenyi Parish who is the Parish Development Committee Chairperson also accused Ithungu of allegedly including 22 people who are non residents in his parish, calling for proper investigations into the matter.


1 Comment

  • Robert Tibamwenda March 14, 2024

    Not only her, the search should continue to other people including those in the Municipality.

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