A concerned resident in Nyamirami village decries underdevelopment in Busongora County South


A concerned resident in Nyamirami Village in Muhokya Sub-county, Busongora County South in Kasese district has decried what he calls underdevelopment in the constituency.

Mr. Sedrack Bakulirahi says he wonders why the constituency that is endowed with a lot of natural resources including Queen Elizabeth National Park, Rwenzori Mountains National Park, Lakes George and Edward and Katwe Salt Lake among others still has a population that is still wanting in terms of economic development.

Bakulirahi thus challenges the electorate in the area to cause change in leadership and elect leaders who have the capacity to lobby government to maximally utilize the existing natural resources for the benefit and development of the people in the constituency.

However, Messiah Radio understands that Mr. Bakulirahi is among the FDC members in Kasese district who recently picked and returned expression of interest forms for the Busongora County South Parliamentary seat in the forthcoming 2026 General Elections.

According to him, once given the mandate to represent the electorate in parliament, he would become the bridge between them and Central Government. He pledges to also lobby for the political appointments and ensure that they are evenly distributed to the population in the area.  

The parliamentary hopeful also pledges to form the Constituency Elder’s Council who would be tasked with the role of guiding the politicians about the priority projects that would cause development in the area. ENDS

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