A 70-year old woman from Muhumuza village in Kitswamba Town Council in Busongora County North who used to nurse HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda and HE Paul Kagame of Rwanda during the struggle of 1985 National Resistance Movement army war wants to see the duo for a financial support.
Ms. Deborah Maate narrates that by the time of the struggle; she owned a drug shop where the duo could acquire health services from but due to financial constraints, she is now a farmer.
She says she remembers how her drug shop which was then located at Mr. Misaki Bindu’s building in the same area had helped the current most respected political leaders in the world but it was still a question in her mind on how to meet the two and they share the struggle experience since they now have the powers.
According to her, because of the struggle they went through with the two presidents, her family was supposed to have been identified and benefit from government programs which are aiming at eradicating poverty.
Ms. Maate, who also worked as a chairperson of Muzahura Village for 17 years, told our reporter that she still has hopes that if she meets one of the two, her prayers would be answered.
Mr. David Bilwana, the Buhuhira Village LCI chairperson who is also an NRA veteran alleges that in July 1985, he was one of the people who could carry food stuffs from Kasese town to the now presidents of Rwanda and Uganda while in the area but wonders how they have failed to recall them.
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