27 NRM members defect to the FDC party in Kasese


At least 27 members of the ruling NRM party from Nyakiyumbu Sub-county in Bukonzo County West, Kasese district have defected to the opposition FDC party.

They were officially received yesterday by the Kasese Woman Member of Parliament, Hon. Florence Kabugho and the District FDC General Secretary, Mr. Alfred Kule Ikwera with a call on them to mobilize for their new political party.

In her remarks shortly after receiving the defectors, Hon. Kabugho asked them to observe peace, unity and togetherness as some of the pillars that would aid the party to progress. She also encouraged the new members to become ambassadors of FDC through mobilizing more people to join what she described as a mighty opposition party.

On his part, Mr. Ikwera described the defection of NRM members to FDC as an indication that the party was still strong, advising the new entrants who also handed their former party cards to join the mobilization team.

Mr. Emmanuel Bwambale Bikubi and Emmanuel Syathetha, the former Sub-county Chairperson who are part of the FDC mobilization team, reported that they were on the move to recruit more people into the opposition party.  

Some of the defectors told the press that they decided to leave their former party because it was allegedly not minding about them in terms of access to socio – economic transformational programs among others.


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