Kasese’s social media influencer , known as ” Kasese’s Finest” gives back to the community


Women who used to earn their living from collecting firewood in the Queen Elizabeth National Park have appealed to the government and Civil Society Organizations to economically empower them so that they are able to educate their children.

The women, most of them widows residing in Saluti B Cell, Kanyangeya Ward in Nyamwamba Division of Kasese Municipality, argue that they have been facing a lot of challenges while carrying out such risky activities, calling for financial support so that they are able to establish alternative businesses and other income generating projects.

Mrs. Annet Mughanda and Annet Masambiro, yesterday told revealed that ever since they abandoned their activity, they have lived wanting lives hence appealing for support from government and other agencies.  

They were interacting with the proprietor of Karothk Kids Foundation, a Community Based Organization that is supporting vulnerable school going children with scholastic materials.

Karothk Kids Foundation is a brain child of Caroline Masika, a social media influencer commonly known as Kasese’s Finest with a vision of having a society where every child has access to education regardless of their socio-economic status, and can thrive in a dynamic future.

Masika explained that she opted to support school going children aged between 6 and 12 after realizing that their parents could not afford to provide them with some scholastic materials.

Mr. Ramdhan Kule Kalegha , the Youth Chairperson for Saluti B Cell, asked the parents to play their parenting roles and ensure that their children are in schools to acquire formal education.


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