Kasese demand for special machines for de-silting River Nyamwamba


Leaders in Kasese have appealed the Central Government to allocate special machines to the district to help in the frequent de-silting of River Nyamwamba so that it is redirected to its original channel.

The leaders sounded the appeal today afternoon during the Disaster Management meeting that was meant to respond to the most recent floods from River Nyamwamba that claimed the lives of two people and caused destruction to property.

The meeting that was held at Central Division Council Hall was also attended by two officials from the Office of the Prime Minister of Uganda.

During the meeting, participants were told that a total of 9,989 people, 74 acres of crop fields, 07 schools, 4 worshipping centers and 174 latrines among others were affected.

Mr. Wilfred Baluku, the Kasese Municipal Senior Physical Planner noted that he was not seeing value of the billions of money that have been spent in an attempt to restore the river.

He suggested that instead of government spending money on some of the projects that would leave an impact, it would secure a machine that would be stationed particularly to de-silt the river channel of all the debris to pave way for a free passage of the running water.

Mr. Zedekiya Kambasu Kayiri, the Kasese Municipal Deputy Town Clerk told  the officials the Office of the Prime Minister that in the past when the Kilembe Mines Limited was still functional, there would be periodic de-silting, a reason to why it would spend decades without disturbing the people.

Mr. Augustine Kooli, the Kasese District Environment Officer also noted that there was need for the government to make a study about the river so that a new approach on how to handle it is devised.

Responding to the concerns, Capt. Stanley Osaba, the Military Assistant Head of National Emergency Coordination and Operation Center under the Office of the Prime Minister advised the District and Municipal leaders to identify the critical needs that would require an immediate action as they wait for the central government to come up with a long lasting solution.


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