Minister of State for National Guidance directs Kasese Municipal leaders to force people out of Kamulikwizi channel


The Minister of State for National Guidance has directed the leadership of Kasese Municipal Council to make a formal resolution aimed at forcing the people who have illegally constructed their houses along the Kamulikwizi Water Drainage Channel to vacate the area as government plans to work on the said channel.

Hon. Godfrey Baluku Kabbyanga Kiime sounded the directive last evening while addressing the press shortly after inspecting the affected areas to ascertain the level of damage caused by the floods from River Nyamwamba that hit Kasese town over the weekend through Kamulikwizi Water Drainage Channel.

The floods that started around 9am on Saturday morning affected a number of areas including Besecamp Lower, Kitooro, Mumbuzi, Kizungu and Saluti A. During the incident, two people lost their lives. The deceased are Bright Mumbere, a 28 year – old resident and casual worker at Delta Stage Washing Bay and Teopista Masika, a nurse who owned a drug shop in Mumbuzi cell.

Kabbyanga, who quickly attributed the periodic floods from River Nyamwamba to human settlement along the drainage channel, directed that Kasese Municipal Council leadership should come up with a written and comprehensive resolution to have the occupants vacate as soon as possible so that government officially opens the channel basing on its original measures that were done in 2000.

He was optimistic that government through the Uganda Cities and Municipal Infrastructure Development (UCMID) programme would work on the channel. 

Mr. Mustafa Kikusa, the Kasese District Principal Assistant Secretary attached to the CAO’s office, asked the implementers not to involve politics while evicting the occupants. 


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