Mweya PDM beneficiaries to refund the money


The Kasese District Chief Administrative Officer has directed all the Parish Development Model beneficiaries in Mweya Parish of Lake Katwe Sub- County to refund the money with immediate effect.

In February 2022, the Parish Development Model was launched by the President of the Republic of Uganda, as a multi-sectorial strategy for transforming subsistence households into the money economy.

In June 2023, Kasese District Local Government launched the disbursement exercise of the money to the then 197 registered SACCOs that had 2030 enterprise groups in the entire district.

The goal of the PDM was to increase household food security, incomes and quality of life of Ugandans who live in subsistence economy.

But, Mr. Elias Byamungu argues that the money in the questioned parish was not given to the poverty-stricken, landless, vulnerable and unemployed Ugandans that are trapped in the vicious cycle of low income, low savings, low investment and no assets among others.

The Accounting Officer also told our reporter that after realizing that there were many disparities in the disbursement process, they have resolved to conduct community barazas that are aimed at sensitizing and collecting information from the public about the progress and implementation of the program in their respective parishes.


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