ICT Minister rallies people of Kasese to vote for Kabbyanga


The Minister of ICT and National Guidance, Hon. Dr. Chris Baryomunsi has appealed to the residents of Bukonzo County West in Kasese District to support the candidature of his junior Minister, Godfrey Baluku Kabbyanga Kime.

As a member of the ruling NRM party, Kabbyanga is expected to participate in the party primary elections.

Dr. Baryomunsi, who is also the National Vice Chairperson for the NRM party in-charge of Western region, stressed that for the little time he has worked with Kabbyanga as his junior Minister for National Guidance, he has known him as a person who fulfills all the tasks assigned to him.

According to him, Kabbyanga has not only been advocating for national issues but he is also passionate about the issues of Kasese district and Bukonzo County West in particular.

He sounded the remarks on Sunday while officiating at the official opening of a new church building at St. John’s Bukangara Catholic Church Parish.

The Minister clearly stated that as government, they know Kabbyanga as the voice of the people of Kasese because he ably presents issues of the district both in cabinet and Parliament.

Earlier in his remarks, Kabbyanga had told the congregation that he would vie for the Bukonzo County West Parliamentary seat in the 2026 General Elections.


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