Catholic bishop speaks about corrupt government officials


The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kasese has joined the rest of Ugandans to publicly condemn acts of corruption among a section of government officials whom he says are misusing the taxpayers’ money.

Bishop Francis Acquirinus Kibira who describes the vice as a curse and sin implores every Ugandan to play a watchdog’s role as far as fighting corruption is concerned.

The Prelate sounded the remarks on Sunday while delivering his homily during the official opening of a new church building at St. John’s Bukangara Catholic Parish and a new storied classroom block at St. John’s Bukangara Primary School.

The function, which was presided over by the Minister of ICT and National Guidance, Hon. Chris Baryomunsi and his junior Minister, Hon. Godfrey Baluku Kabbyanga, was organized under the theme, “Dedicated for the service of God and Humanity,” as scripted in the Biblical Book of Joshua 24:15.

Bishop Kibira told the two Ministers to use their Ministry to guide the nation through joining the majority of Ugandans to condemn acts of corruption among government officials.

He also revealed that some public servants are not allegedly performing their work effectively. He cited the Agricultural Extension Workers at sub-county levels who he accused of not doing much to sensitize the farmers about the best farming practices.

In his remarks, Dr. Baryomunsi asked the church to promote unity, peace, love and togetherness as well as imploring Christians to be prayerful and hardworking citizens in order to fight corruption and poverty.

He also revealed that government was committed to have the remaining 4.8 kilometer unfenced space of the Queen Elizabeth National Park worked upon in an attempt to curtail the wild animals from straying into people’s crop gardens.

Dr. Baryomunsi appealed to the residents in the district especially those who operate along the Kikorongo-Bwera road to remain calm as government looks for the contractor to work on the said road that is currently in a sorry state.

On his part, Hon. Kabbyanga, implored the parents to utilize St. John’s Bukangara Primary School and other established schools in the area to educate their children.

During the function, a total of shillings 13 million was raised to support the construction works of the Cathedral Church.

Of the shillings 13 million, Dr. Baryomunsi contributed shillings 5 million while Hon. Kabbyanga contributed shillings 2 million.


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