Mpondwe-Lhubiriha Town Council grapples with poor garbage management


Mpondwe – Lhubiriha Town Council in Bukonzo County West, Kasese district has been cited among the urban centers that are still grappling with a challenge of poor garbage management.  

The Town Council Chairperson, Mr. Selevest Masereka Mapoze testifies that they have indeed failed to manage garbage because they lack the necessary trucks to help them collect and transport it to the dumping sites.

He stresses that as the population continues to grow, the urban centre also gets affected with a challenge of poor garbage disposal.

Mapoze, however, notes that after looking at the magnitude of the challenge, council has resolved to privatize garbage collection in an attempt to have a clean town.

He has consequently called upon the community members to adhere to the council resolution through paying the contractors affordable dues that they are yet to agree upon.


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