Family heads called upon to lead the fight against domestic violence


Fathers in Kasese have been called upon to lead the fight against domestic violence that has continuously affected development in many families across the district.

 The encouragement was sounded today by Mr. Godfrey Kule Kiwede, the Fathers’ Union Leader at St. Paul’s Cathedral of South Rwenzori Diocese while preaching to the congregation during the celebrations to mark St. Peter’s Day.

The Day which was organized under the theme, “Be the Salt and Light of the World,” as scripted in the Biblical Book of Mathew 5:13 – 16 involved many activities including praying for the sick and carrying out some charitable works across the Diocese.

Mr. Kiwede explained that the family heads therefore needed to act as the Salt and Light to the people in their respective families through guiding them on the right things and avoiding issues related to domestic violence.

He also encouraged them to help government in the fight against corruption which he said leads to decline of some economic projects because much of the money is swindled by few individuals.  

During the service, at least four people were enrolled into the Fathers’ Union Ministry by the St. Paul’s Sub-dean, the Ven. Charles Mbusa. They included Erisa Kule, Robert Bitswatswa, Richard Bwambale and Ivan Ntambire Banyomire.

Subsequently, the Sub-dean lectured the new members about the need to uphold the seven pillars of the Union and ensure that they transform their families holistically.

He was assisted by Rev. Betty Mbambu Mwero, the Diocesan Mothers’ Union Coordinator who told the Christians to always seek God’s help in order for them to succeed in their journey of Christianity.


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